My talk at EuroPython 2022

July 17, 2022

I presented a talk at EuroPython 2022 in Dublin.

The talk title was “real-time browser-ready computer vision apps with Streamlit.” It was on 14th July, and its description is linked below.

Its contents were mainly based on the Medium post I wrote with a similar title, “Developing Web-Based Real-Time Video/Audio Processing Apps Quickly with Streamlit”, but the talk contained live-demo, live-coding, and more storytelling introduction.

The live-stream archive that contains my talk has already published as linked below (this link is pointing to my talk time), while the edited version will be open later:

You can find my voice was so high-pitch and my hands moved randomly because I was so nervous, especially at the beginning… ironically, I could speck in such a high speed due to many practices I did 😂

My picture at the talk (@takanory took this picture of me. Thanks.)

Regardless of that, I could successfully present all the contents as I planned and some people said it was informative nice talk which made me so glad.

It was nice that with this talk, I could (a bit) promote my OSS project that I’m dedicated to and have positive feedback.

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Written by whitphx (Yuichiro Tachibana) who works as a software developer. You should follow him on Twitter

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